What Is Online Reputation Management and How It Can Fix Your Business Image

What is Online Reputation Management?

Gone are the days when customers were considered to be passive audiences in the grander scheme of things. By ‘things’ we are of course referring to a business’s sales targets or lack thereof. With social media giving them more authority than ever before, the humble customer has a voice today that is a force to be reckoned with.

In other words, what they say goes as far as a company’s reputation goes because people like them take their word seriously. Regular interactions have made websites evolve into more than static brochures.

Irrespective of business size, your customers are tweeting about you and posting reviews about their experience with your products/services.

If you think you can ignore them like before, you are in trouble. This is where online reputation management in Miami or ORM comes into the picture. Basically, it helps businesses create strategies that can influence public perception online. If done strategically, it can drive opinion about a business’s products and/or services according to its target needs.

Here are some tips that can help you do that and more:

Fix Negative High-Traffic Articles

Some people may have mentioned your brand in old articles, reviews, guides or other online content. But if the content portrays your business in an unfair and negative manner, that may be a problem. If those articles receive heavy organic traffic, that is a lot of people reading inaccurate things about your company.

Don’t panic. The best way to nip the issue in the bud is to locate those articles ASAP and post rebuttals. This is where brand ambassadors come into the picture. They are trained to locate such content and create social proof that proves them wrong.

They do that by responding to negative reviews as and when they crop up and by encouraging happy customer to post feedback. Use incentives such as special offers in exchange for testimonials to make the process smoother.

Deal with Detractors Silently

If someone writes something unflattering about your brand, don’t call them out for it via comment. All that will do is highlight an issue that should be taken care of silently. Plus, malicious posters may take that as an opportunity to twist your words and use them against you.

In other words, if you respond negatively, they will use it as ammunition to malign you further. Remember, the damage is done the instant someone tweets negative reviews which increases the damage. If the attack is unprovoked and has no basis in truth you can choose to take legal action and inform the poster via email.

This will do two things. One, it will help you silence haters without letting your customers know. And two, it can help you discourage anyone else you tries to malign your business reputation.

Final Thoughts…

The fact is that owning a business does not stop at sales management. You also need to manage its reputation online to ensure it remains relevant to target customers. If you are looking for online Reputation Management in Coral Gables, look no further than Smash Interactive. They are known for working fast without comprising the results their clients need.

The Intelligence Behind Using Pay-Per- Click for Business Marketing

A pay-per-click marketing strategy is a source of confusion for many people, especially the new entrepreneurs and marketers. Search engines provide various features and options to entrepreneurs to market their businesses,free of cost.Yet, some of the biggest corporate giants rely on pay-per-click marketing to increase their brand visibility.
This leaves the newbie wondering, where’s the catch after all?
Well, there is. Pay-per-click has its own set of advantages and any business can spin this marketing strategy into huge profits–if done right.
Let’s dig deeper into the pay-per-click advertisement model and the intelligence behind using it for business marketing.

Understanding Pay-Per-Click Advertisement

Pay-per-click marketing in Miami is gaining popularity across the world. The feature, however, has existed for a long time.
Pay-per-click is a feature of internet marketing where every time an ad is clicked, advertisers pay a fee. In return for this fee, advertisers get a chance to bid their ad placement on search engine results.
The free advertisement model requires advertisers to earn this placement by abiding by the search engine algorithm, whereas pay-per-click is a way of buying that placement.

How Is Pay-Per-Click Beneficial For Businesses?

Here are the top most reasons for businesses to consider pay-per-click advertisement for their marketing plan:

Immediate and Consistent Traffic

The best way to rush the success of a startup business is to rely on pay-per-click advertisements.Free advertisements takes months, even years to help the business appear somewhere on the first page of search results.Pay-per-click, on the other hand,takes less than an hour and gives you the placement you want.
With this kind of visibility, online traffic doesn’t take long to appear on a business’ website.What’s more is that there is never a “slow day” with pay-per-click because the traffic is consistent.

Easy to Edit

You can edit and optimize your ads whenever and however you want to get the best results. It is extremely convenient to tweak your ads to attract your target markets, or grab the attention of a bigger crowd.

Tracking Results is Possible

Free of cost advertisements don’t let you track the results of your efforts that easily. On the other hand, pay-per-click lets you know immediately when someone has clicked on the website. Leading from that, calculating the conversion rate is even easier. This helps is strategizing further marketing techniques.
Now that you know why businessess prefer this feature as a part of their marketing plan, it’s time for you to make your decision. If you are sold on the idea, make sure to reach out to a reputable PPC agency in Miami. Do not risk your business by going for cheaper alternatives. You can reach out to us at Smash Interactive Agency and have the skilled and most creative team of marketers work for you.

Trends, Forecasts and Stats to Create Winning Mobile Marketing Strategies in 2019

Brands need to be where potential customers are, and all the customers today are on their cell phones.

While a decade ago, digital mobile marketing was conducted by brands that were ahead of their time, today it is a needed part of every business’ marketing plan. In fact, having a website that is mobile friendly is not enough to compete. In order to stand out and grab the attention of customers, businesses need to stay updated with the latest trends and stats.

If you are aiming to have the best approach to mobile marketing in Miami, make sure you are aware of the following trends and stats:

  • Data privacy of customers is a major demand today and rightfully so. 60% of app users do not download apps when it asks for access permission for things it has nothing to do with. 43% users uninstall apps because of the unreasonable demands for permission to access a user’s personal details.
  • 39% of the most frequently used apps include social media. A presence on social media is a must today for brands.
  • Temporary uninstalling is not exactly a reason to worry because some apps are of the nature that they can be reinstalled year round when the needs arise. In 2018, most travel apps had a 57% average reinstall rates after a month of uninstalling, while the media apps had a 20% average reinstall rate after a month of uninstalling.
  • It has been estimated that in2019, 72.4% of the worldwide online population would be accessing social media. This means that brands have to place a great amount of their attention on their social media presence.
  • By the end of 2018,WhatsApp had 1.5 billion accountsworldwide;450 million were active users of those accounts, 100 million WhatsApp users voice mail daily. That’s not all;3 million companies have already started using WhatsApp for business purposes. If you can get creative with this popular app and use it to your advantage then the success of your business is guaranteed.
  • Another useful stat that confirms the importance of mobile marketing is that 80%of Smartphone users are a lot likely to purchase from companies that are extremely active on their mobile sites and apps and provide answers to queries readily.
  • 89% of mobile users, after a positive experience are likely to recommend a brand to others.
  • On the contrary, 57% users say that they won’t recommend a brand on the basis other poorly designed mobile site.

If you think your digital mobile marketing strategy is outdated and lacking, then reach out to us at Agency and we’ll make sure that you leave all your competitors far behind.

5 Ways Businesses Can Get the Most of Social Media Stories

Social media stories are all the rage these days. Even commonplace things shown on social media can create quite a buzz.
While social media is a great source for uploading and watching stories, it also provides an excellent opportunity to businesses for promoting their brands.

Learn about all the ways businesses can get the most out of social media:

1.    Behind the Scenes
The “mystery” concept is so last century. In these times, people need the details, the breakdown, the particulars and minutiae on what goes on behind the scene.
Social media has already bridged the vast gap between businesses and their customers. With social media stories, a business can show them what goes on behind the curtains. When customers see the passion, drive, and hard work behind the scenes, it makes them closer and more loyal to the brand.

2.    Humorous Contact
Every brand has an image, and if you want to keep things light and entertaining, make humor part of it. Lucky for you, social media stories is an excellent way to make your customers giggle and fall in love with the brand.
What’s more, is that humor has a way of spreading faster than any other content. This will allow you to increase your reach and become visible to a larger audience. Your social media in Coral Gables can take your brand name out of Florida and to neighboring states.

3.    Conduct quick polls
Last year, Instagram introduced interactive polling feature that allows you to conduct an instant poll on your stories. There couldn’t be a better opportunity for brands to engage with their customers and letting them share their opinions freely.
On the other hand, customers like nothing more than a chance to be heard and taken seriously.

4.    Add Links
Social media stories allow marketers to get instant conversions by adding links in their stories. If the content of the story impressed the customers then the link right after it will tempt them to click it.
Snapchat stories also allow you to add links in the stories, so make sure you cover all platforms to make it hard to miss.

5.    Show Them How To Use
If you’re an entrepreneur and an inventor then you might need to explain the uses of your product better. As effective as white papers are, they are not exactly preferred by normal folks for normal everyday things.
Using social media stories to explain the product in detail as a smart way to demonstrate your product and guide your potential customers.
Are you willing to tap into the latest social media feature and keep up with your competitors? It’s alright even if you are not well-versed in all things social media. You can completely trust Smash Interactive Agency with your social media in Miami and connect with your customers in ways they love and appreciate.