Web Design vs Web Development: Make the Distinction

Web design and Web development are both important when it comes to creating a functional website. The two are not interchangeable. It is important to distinguish between the two concepts for anyone wanting to create or manage a website. Here we will tell you about Web Development Palm Beach.

Web Design: Crafting the Visual Experience

Focus on Aesthetics: Thus, web design mainly deals with the aesthetic and visual aspects of a website and how users perceive it. Web designers are responsible for the structural format or the architectural appearance of any given website, the color combination, the type of font used, and the overall perceived appearance of the site. Their objective may be to draw in and maintain people through an appealing and accessible design.

Tools and Techniques: Some of the tools commonly used by web designers include Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Sketch among others that are used to produce layouts or mockups of the models and prototypes that are to be developed. They also use design principles like symmetry, complimentary and parallel, to make the site aesthetic and slightly interactive to navigate.

Consumers and Interface: We discovered that UX is an essential aspect that designers consider to make the site interactive when creating new designs. They also work on UI and design to implement the functionalities and stunning and semantically appealing interfaces. This includes developing such aspects as buttons, menus, and many other items that users tend to interact with most of the time.

Web Development: Building the Functional Backbone

Turning Designs into Reality: Website development is the process of transforming website designs into working websites. As a basis for website construction, developers utilize several distinct programming languages and frameworks. There are two main types of web development: specialization in front-end and back-end.

Front-End Development:  Front-end developers handle the parts of a website that a user directly engages with, observing the computer screen. Programmers employ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to commence the designs that web designers come up with. These are to make sure that the website looks and works like it is supposed to, on different devices and browsers.

Back-End Development: Back-end developers are responsible for the back-end functioning of a website, making sure things are working correctly from the server side. They interact with databases, servers, and application logic by using script and programming languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, or Java. Essentially, their work is equally important for dealing with aspects such as the storage and retrieval of data, the overall functionality of the site, and so on.


Web design and web development are neighbors but they are different wheels in the car of a web development project. Web design is employed on the look and feel where the appearance of the website is made appealing, and convenient for use. On the other hand, web development primarily focuses on creating the website’s infrastructure on which the site runs well. Nevertheless, both are crucial when developing a website that should be effective in providing visitors with a good experience. If you want help with Web Design Palm Beach, visit Smash interactive agency

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