3 SEO Secrets Your SEO Agency Won’t Tell You

If you want to improve the search ranking of your website, you need the help of a SEO agency Miami to achieve that. The agencies you go to will help you in all possible ways, but there are some trade secrets that most agencies would not like to share with you. Want to know what they are? Then read on.

They really don’t have inside information on how Google Algorithms work

Most SEO companies and professionals will make it appear that they have real grasp over Google Algorithms and will throw in technical jargons to back their claim. But the fact is, no SEO company can honestly say that they have full grasp over Google Algorithms and how they change. In fact, even Google employees often don’t have any idea on what they next Google Algorithms change is going to be! So, the best in the business will try to use technical knowledge like page load time, site architecture and other such aspects to create a stellar website for you. The success of your SEO plan will depend very much on how well you do your market research, how you build your online trust and reputation and how you attract your attention along with technical knowledge. And all these will depend more on you and your marketing team rather than SEO experts.

They do break one or other Google guidelines now and then

A good SEO company will tell you that following Google guidelines is a must if you don’t want to be banned by the company. And that only Black Hat SEO companies employ underhand methods to give instant results which can be problematic later on. However, what they won’t tell you is that most SEO companies flirt with the guidelines and bend it here and there to suit the needs of the clients. Take for example link building. As per Google’s guidelines, any link that somehow manipulates the ranking of the website can be considered as link scheme and hence not allowed. The aim of Google is to create a web where every link in manually created; so, any links your SEO builds for you, may be questioned in future. But does that mean you don’t build link? No, it means you build link that comes from a legitimate marketing site and can’t be questioned in the long run. Hence when selecting a SEO company, make sure you select one that strictly adheres to Google guidelines and has multiple streams to bring in traffic to your site.

Your SEO success is incomplete without you

If your SEO company is telling you that you can be totally detached from the SEO plan of your company after you hire them, it is time to see a new SEO agency in Kendall. That is because nobody knows your business more than you! The SEO experts you hire are proficient in SEO only and not your niche of business. So, you need to be involved really well to create a genuine working SEO plan for your business. That does not mean you have to hire employees to write a blog post or create links; all you must bring to the table is how your customers see you. The SEO campaign should be built on that and not the other way around.

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