4 Questions To Ask Before Hiring Your PPC Expert

PPC or Pay-Per-Click has become one of the best ways to gain organic traffic and visibility. This paid advertisement method of course works best when you hire good PPC experts in Miami. Whether you are hiring remote workers or in-office workers, here are some questions to ask your potential PPC expert to see if they will really work wonders for you or not.

How will you manage my Google Quality Score?

Quality Score is a Google diagnostic tool that will help you find how good your ads are versus ads from your competitors. Hence the first job of your PPC expert should be to proficiently manage your Quality score so that your ads find great placement but at a lower cost. Only a good PPC expert will do this modification and hence whether you hire someone or not, will depend on their answer to this question.

What is your method of keyword research?

Finding the right keywords is the first step to having a great digital marketing plan. And you will have to depend on your PPC expert for that. So, the better keywords the experts find for your business, the better will be your chances of getting clicked on by interested audiences. Anyone can do keyword research on their own; just type in some relevant words to your business, and even Google will offer you suggestions for potential keywords. But then why do you need an expert? An expert will not only find the keywords for you but also will do analyzation of those keywords to see their worth and competition. There are various tools for that, and by knowing which one your PPC expert is using, you can have an idea about his expertise in this field.

What is your method of testing my ads?

Everything in your ad matters, be it the text, the image, and even small details like punctuation. This is why good experts will constantly test an ad before placing it. There are many ways this testing is done like Split testing or Multivariate testing. So asking your PPC expert how they are going to test your ads, and what elements they are going to look for, will give you an idea of how competent they are. Remember, even a number or a letter can make a great difference to your conversion and traffic, so listen to how your PPC expert breaks it down for you regarding their testing method before finalizing.

Do I need to make changes to my landing page?

A good PPC expert knows that getting a click is just half of the battle and retaining the attention of the audience after they have clicked your ad is the second half of the battle to gain leads. Hence your landing page must follow your PPC ad so that the audiences are interested in your business. This is how you make sure your lead is turned into a sale. The PPC agency in Miami you are talking to will guide you on your landing page as part of their PPC campaign for you. Hence when an expert answers this question, it shows his expertise and depth of knowledge.

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