5 Ideas to Make Your Business Website More Impactful

A killer website is a must if you want to succeed in today’s business world. So, if you are looking for companies offering web development in Miramar, here are some ideas to discuss with them that will make your business website more impactful.

Easy navigation

People today have little patience or time when they are surfing online. Hence if your website is not easy to navigate, they will move to your competitors’ sites. A pro-tip you should discuss with your web developer is putting your menu at the top of the page because research has shown that when visiting a website people browse from top to bottom and left to right. Hence left top corner is the ideal position for your main menu. For further sub-menus use the drop-down menu under each main category. That way your page will look neat and organized.

Make sure it is fast

If a website loads slow, research has shown that nearly 90% of the people will go away. Hence a very important aspect you should be discussing with your web developer is regarding your loading speed. For that to happen, the software has to be up-to-date, the videos fully optimized, and a good website host with ample bandwidth.

Use call to action

As your web developer will explain the call to action is very important if you want to entice your visitors to further their time spent on your website. It is generally there in the landing page and the call to action can be anything from signing up for the newsletter, contacting the company, buying products, etc. This can be done either through a button, link, or clear instructions on how to do it. Just one thing, make sure this call of action is at the top of your page and that the visitors don’t have to scroll around to find it.

Be personal and unique

There are thousands and thousands of websites on the internet, and even if your business is a very local one, it still has many competitors. So how do you make sure your website is more impactful than others? Simply, by making it personal and unique. And it is not necessary that you have to spend a lot of money to personalize your website; even something like a very well-written About Us page will set you apart from others. This is very important especially for eCommerce website because it will help your brand image. So, instead of using stock photos or generic images, try to use images that are authentic to your business. In the About Us page, use your and your team’s pictures so that the visitors know whom they are engaging with when they visit the website.

Use SEO correctly

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a very important tool you should talk about with the company providing you SEO in Miramar. The way Google uses bots to crawl websites has seen a dramatic change in the last few years and so, even if you had a great SEO website in the past, you need to update it after a thorough investigation. With right SEO, even a small business can garner more traffic than a bigger rival in the market.

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