AdRoll: What Is It and How It Helps Remarketing

It is easy to lose yourself in the world of tens of different marketing tools available online.
Being a marketer in this day and age requires the acumen to choose the right advertising platform for your business in Miami. You need to keep your business objectives in mind and make sure your strategy is cost-effective.
Of course all of that comes later. First you need to bring customers to your website. And not just that, you need to make sure people actually choose your business over the hundreds of other options available to them.
An effective way to ensure that is to choose the right remarketing techniques.

What is Remarketing?

You know how you absent-mindedly visit a website sometimes? And its products start showing up in your browser ads and social media ads a few days later?
That is an example of a business that has invested in a good remarketing strategy.
Remarketing, or behavioral retargeting, is the technique of using clever sales and advertising tactics to bring potential customers to your website or business.

Is Remarketing Effective?

You might be tempted to dismiss it, but remarketing is a highly impactful technique. In fact, research has shown that:

• 26 percent of all customers will go back to a site after being retargeted
• Retargeting ads generate twice the amount of ROI
• Retargeting brings user advertising response up by 400 percent
• Almost 50 percent of all companies use some form of retargeting
• The click-through rate (CTR) for retargeting ads is 0.7 percent compared to just 0.07 percent for traditional display ads
And best of all, 25 to 30 percent of users actually respond positively to remarketing!
So, what are your options when it comes to good remarketing platforms?

Google AdWords?

Though, that may be the standard response, statistics show that not every business is relying on just AdWords anymore. It’s become too mainstream.

Instead, businesses are increasingly turning to AdRoll.

What is AdRoll?

It’s another marketing platform, or more accurately, a remarketing platform that reaches out to potential customers with retargeting ads over social media, handheld devices or computer browsers.

AdRoll versus Google AdWords

Which one should you choose then? Consider these points when making a final decision:

Google AdWords is More Expensive

You need to remember this if you’re a small business or if you’re working with a tiny budget. AdRoll may not be as well-known but because of this very reason, it has fewer users and is thus less expensive.

AdRoll is Less Competitive

Keep this in mind when you’re looking for ways to bring down your ad costs and cost-per-click (CPC). With Google AdWords there is a lot of competition for keywords and usually only big businesses can afford to buy coveted keywords spots. You don’t want to be left out in the lurch.

AdRoll Can Target Facebook Users

Do you know how vast Facebook’s reach is? 2.8 billion people log in to Facebook on a daily basis. AdRoll can give you access to all those potential customers since it has partnered with Facebook, whereas Google hasn’t.

Allow the local digital marketing experts in Miami master AdRoll for you, and you’ll be increasing conversions for your business in no time.

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