Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Marketing

With more and more people using the mobile to access the internet, it is time you talked with your digital marketing agency in Miami regarding mobile marketing. But what exactly is mobile marketing? To be precise, it is a form of digital marketing that is targeted specifically to mobile users. So, to help you understand this topic better, here is some information regarding this.

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile especially smartphones are here to stay and will be all the better in the future. With the price of smartphones dropping everywhere, the number of mobile users is growing steadily compared to desktop users and laptop users. In heavily populated countries like India, the mobile is the device used even in the interiors where the data connection is good and cheap. That opens a vast new field of potential customers for all businesses. Hence, a marketing strategy dedicated solely to this segment of online users is mobile marketing.

How does it differ from regular digital marketing?

Mobile screens are small, and the data connection is not always fast. So, your digital ads need to be customized according to the mobile screen and need to load fast. Hence, in a way, mobile marketing is basically a customized version of your regular digital marketing and any good digital marketing services in Miami can guide you in this regard.

Why you need a separate mobile marketing strategy?

The same reason you started a digital marketing strategy, is the same reason why you need to have a mobile marketing strategy. People spend 40% of their internet time on a mobile device, and mobile searches have increased by 200% since 2012. Furthermore, the retail conversion rate of mobile users is much higher than PC conversion rates. Another fast-growing segment is the in-game mobile marketing which is simply placing your ads in popular games (people tend to spend 80% of their mobile time playing games) to increase your visibility.

What are the different types of mobile marketing?

Now that you know why it is important, let’s see the various types of mobile marketing your digital marketing agency in Miami may suggest. First is the in-game mobile marketing as described in the previous section. The other is App-based marketing which is placing ads through apps. Both Google and Facebook have specific programs for the advertiser in this regard.

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