Google Ads: How to Use the Digital Marketing Tool to Generate Leads

There is an information overload in this day and age.

With the vast amount of content online, customers have information available at their fingertips when they wish to buy something.
Gone are the days when businesses would rely on outbound marketing to lure buyers. Nowadays, inbound marketing strategies are used to attract potential local Miami buyers.
Instead of mass advertising to people, you need to figure out ways to make the customer come to you. It has thus become crucial for a business to build and grow their digital presence and improve inbound marketing techniques.
With inbound marketing, the most important thing to focus on is building a solid lead generation strategy. This involves tweaking all digital marketing platforms, optimizing websites and social media, and search engine optimization (SEO) to cater to customers.
Often, this process begins with a traditional lead generation funnel.

Lead Generation Funnel

The lead generation funnel, a tool used in conventional marketing, is now also used in digital marketing to generate leads locally in Miami.
At the very top, you focus on gathering leads through content awareness,who then turn to customers later on. Two techniques which help marketers achieve this are:
Organic search:
Customers are most likely to find businesses through the keywords they use on search engines. This is why it’s important to have a good SEO strategy. Around 85 percent of search clicks will come from one organic search. However, ranking higher on search engines requires a lot of time.

Pay-per-click (PPC):

With PPC advertising, ranking is not an issue. Your business ads will feature prominently on most platforms depending on the click rate. It is an easier, albeit expensive, way to generate more leads.

PPC for Lead Generation

Using PPC to advertise to customers ensures that you will be attracting people based exactly on what they are looking for. There’s no need to worry about keyword rankings.You are also more likely to learn about consumer behavior and ways to generate even more high-quality leads in the future. Read here about the importance of PPC.

So how can you improve your PPC advertising and generate more leads?

Optimize Google Ads

Google ads, Google AdWords, or PPC (pay per click)help the right type of customer to reach your business. By investing time and money in making your Google AdWords campaign highly specific, you can get more high-quality leads. Here are some of the methods suggested by experts:

Use Branded Keywords

Using words that are specific to your industry or business greatly improves your ad campaign. It appeals to potential buyers and thus helps with lead generation. The more targeted your campaign is, the higher is your score on Google AdWords, which in turn lowers your PPC costs.

Use Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs)

SKAGs use only one main keyword and center other ad groups on that keyword. The main keyword acts as the root word and makes it easier to manage your campaign. It also makes the ad more specific, thereby improving your quality score and lowering costs.

Optimize your Landing Page

Any leads generated through your Google AdWords campaigns must not be lost along the way. When they arrive at your landing page, they should be further attracted by what it has to offer. To ensure that, make the landing page clear, concise and user-friendly. Do not ask for too much information in one go or bombard them with offers. Make sure your landing page doesn’t take too much time to load otherwise visitors will leave.

Test Your Campaign

Once your ads are up and running, evaluate the campaign thoroughly to see where it can be improved. Test your keywords, landing pages and targeting techniques. Use the Google Ads analysis tool to tweak your ad campaign and generate more leads.

Learn from the experts

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