How to Get to the Top of the Local SEO Marketing Game

Do you think you’re struggling to get customers to your local business?

Being an owner of a small business in Miami can sometimes feel like a thankless job. You can run into multiple issues such as lack of funds, hiring new people, generating leads, high rents for your office space— the list is a gloomy one.
Once the teething troubles are over, the issue of getting new customers and maintaininga steady stream of regular ones arises. But with the right marketing strategies, small businesses can grow successful pretty fast.

So, what exactly are these strategies?

Your business needs a failsafe online search engine optimization strategy, one that is centered on local SEO marketing.
Did you know that four out of five customers rely on local search to look up details for local businesses online? This makes local SEO one of the most powerful tools for your business.

Search engines generally look at these components to rank business websites:
• Local content
• Social media profiles
• Citations
• Reviews and ratings

How to Improve Your Business Website and Rankings

Work on the Basics: Meta Title and Meta Description

You need to make sure your basics are sound before embarking on any major changes.
The meta title and descriptions are the HTML components that give clear and concise details about your content. They provide a preview of sorts in the search engine results page (SERP). This is how you can draw in more customers with unique and meaningful content.
Make sure your keywords are included in the meta title and description.

Improve Visibility in the Local Pack

The local pack or 3-pack is the list of top three businesses that shows up in the SERP for a query. It is an element of Google search results that caters to local search specifically.
It displays a portion of Google Maps near your area and the physical locations as well details of the top three businesses relevant to your search. Details included in the local pack are extracted from a business’ Google My Business (GMB) profile.

Optimize Your Google My Business Profile

The key advantage to having a GMB profile is that it’s verified by Google and hence comes across as reliable and authentic. Customers will always opt for a business that has complete and accurate details in its GMB profile.

To optimize for Google My Business, remember to:

Come up with an interesting and unique description of your business
Categorize your business properly
Include your working hours
• Mention when your business is likely to be closed
Highlight methods of payment
Include relevant, high definition pictures
Use Google AdWords
Add genuine customer reviews

Remember to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

51 percent of internet users in the United States rely on mobiles for local search over desktop computers.

For the optimum user experience, your website needs to:
• Have a user-friendly interface
• Be supported on all devices

On the mobile version of your webpage, always remember to include the NAP:
• Name
• Address
• Phone number

This makes it easier for customers to find you and reach out.  Let the Local SEO experts in Miami get you ranked!   Call Smash Interactive Agency today.

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