How to Lower Costs Per Click and Increase Traffic to Your Site

As digital marketing expands, the paid search industry gets more and more competitive.
With rising competition come rising costs to generate traffic and draw attention to your site.
Once you understand the techniques you can use to rank your website higher on search engines, you can automatically bring down your costs per click (CPC) and optimize your marketing strategies.

To improve your rankings, you need to work on your website’s quality score.

Quality Score

The quality score is a rating assigned by Google and other search engines to your digital campaigns or advertisements. It directly determines your ranking and affects the costs per click (CPC). There are three things that factor into calculating the quality score:

• Keywords relevance
• Landing page experience
• Ads relevance

Why Do You Need a Good Quality Score?

If your ads are highly specific and relevant to the queries and terms used by people on search engines, your click-through rate (CTR) increases. An increase in CTR immediately leads to a better quality score. This, in turn,lowers your cost per click (CPC).

Thus, you will be paying less and receiving more traffic.

But to get there, you will have to design campaigns more effectively. This means putting in more time and effort researching relevant keywords and making sure users have a great experience when they reach your landing page.


Learning how to use keywords effectively makes your task significantly more manageable. Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to keywords.

Create Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs)

As the name suggests, SKAGs use only one main keyword and center other words and ad groups on that keyword. The main keyword acts as the root word and makes it easier to manage your campaign. It also makes the ad more specific, thereby improving your quality score.

Use Keywords with Low Bids

Keywords with low bids will have a lower CPC. If a keyword is very generic, more people tend to bid on it, making it more competitive. Usually, the more competitive the keyword is, the higher the CPC.

Don’t Shy Away from Long Tail Keywords

Using long tail keywords makes your intent very specific. These keywords have a lower search volume and are most likely used by people searching for something very specific. This ensures that your ad spend will not go to waste. It also improves your quality score and lowers CPC.

Landing Page Experience

Once users click your ad, they will arrive at and interact with your landing page.You need to ensure your landing page is user-friendly and easy to follow. Here are some things to keep in mind to improve the landing page experience:

Loading Speed

If your landing page takes time to load, you’re more likely to end up with fewer conversions and money wasted on resources. Users expect a website to load within two to three seconds, after which they generally move to a better performing site.


It is necessary to check the compatibility of the landing page on different devices. Make sure the landing page is both mobile and browser-friendly. Users should be able to get the gist of your message immediately regardless of which device they access your landing page on.

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