Search Engine Marketing: What Is It?

Search Engine Marketing is similar to Search Engine Optimization (SEM); except that it encompasses SEO and other strategies to increase the visibility of websites on search engines. Search Engine Marketing is a marketing channel that operates on promoting business through paid advertisement on search engine result pages.

How does it Work?

Search Engine Marketing works by bidding for keywords that the users type to search for products, services, content, information, etc. This publishes the bidders’ advertisement on the search engine result pages next to other results redeemed by search queries.

There are two types of ads used in Search Engine Marketing:

•Text-Based Ad: these ads are simple textual advertisements in a few lines
•Visual Ads: these are ads with graphics that provide the important details like date, prices, etc. in one glance.
These ads are mostly pay-per-click ads which show a narrow perspective of Search Engine Marketing, which otherwise also incorporates search engine optimization and search retargeting.


While SEO has its own advantages, SEM comes with a distinct set of perks of its own too. Through Search Engine Marketing, you have additional opportunity to:

Direct more traffic on your website
Increase the number of people who will see your content
Depending upon the bidding, would rank you in the top results and first most pages
Position your advertisement as per your choice

Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Marketing also includes Social Media Marketing (SMM), which is one of the most popular and effective tools of marketing in digital world. Social media marketing is the use of social media tools to build customers and influence their choices in favor of the advertised business or service. This, consequently, has led to the introduction and advancement of Social Media Marketing Management which focuses on Search Engine Optimization with return on investment. In some cases, SMM focuses only on organic SEO, while the focus is on SEM in others.

Comparison between SEO and SEM

Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine marketing are not competitive terms. They both work as pillars together. While SEO focuses on content, keywords, how the site is displayed, and the way the design of the website appears to the users, etc.; SEM prominently positions advertisements in search engine result pages which brings traffic to SEO related concerns. Hence, both are not exclusively independent of each other.
Many businesses focus on both the aspects at the same time. For example, if users enter a search query: ‘red dress’, the results will show the top most web pages based on SEO criteria of result generation as well as the paid in-organic ads next to the results or at the top of the page. The businesses using paid advertisement, that is, SEM can focus on the content and display of their website so that the attracted traffic can be retained, making the use of SEM successful.

Search Engine marketing is widely being used and the scope of its functions is giving addition, and ample business to websites, making it one of the most sought after tools on internet. Use of Search Engine Marketing in Miami, New York, London, Sydney and many other cities of the world is very popular. Many professionals are providing services of Search Engine Marketing in Miami which has boosted businesses there.

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