Some PPC questions your client can ask you

If we talk about PPC ads, it is better to ask an expert, but sometimes the expert also gets trapped in the cage of the huge questionnaire because the customers have become smarter than in previous days. Also, paid search is evolving day by day. With the ever-changing market policies, Google updates its algorithm after a while. That is why advertising on digital platforms is becoming increasingly complex. PPC Experts Miami has listed some questions that your customers may ask you and how you should respond to them.

Let’s read it out:

How effective is PPC advertising?

PPC ads results depend on what is our targeted audience or what kind of keyword we are choosing to reach them. Also, the effectiveness of the advertisement depends on the ad copy and landing page. Yes! We can say that also it belongs to the knowledge of the person who is managing your ad campaigns and we assure you will get the best member of our team. If we talk about the revenue it will be the 200% ROI you will get from the PPC ads.

How will you manage the Google Quality Score?

Google’s Quality Score is mainly based on three things: keywords, ad relevance, Click-Through Rate (CTR), and landing page experience. To reach the best quality score, we try to use tailored ad copy, a relevant landing page, and add a suitable extension to the ad. Our team always optimizes everything before posting the ad.

How do you decide what ad wins in a test?

One of the best metrics for ad testing is the impression until the conversion. In essence, this combines conversion rate with click-through rate, showing that the lower the number, the fewer times and advertisement needs to be presented to produce a lead. Cost-effectiveness, quality score (the CTR attribute), and messaging are all included in this statistic.

Also, if your ad meets or does not meet the threshold you agreed on with the client, it will show you whether the ad won or lost the test.
Do we need to focus on growing our customer base or servicing the customers we already have?
First, there is no right or wrong answer here, but if you are losing customers, you should work on retaining the ones you have before you go find more. Otherwise, you will lose all the customers.

Also, when running a business, you can’t always focus on existing customers. If you are not connecting with the new users or influencing the new group of people, you are not building a pipeline for future customers.


The list does not end here, but these are some questions your customers may ask you. Instead, if you are looking for a digital marketing agency in Miami, contact us; we have expertise in this field and can answer all of our customer’s questions and provide the most comprehensive services.

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