The basic aspects to consider when designing a new website

The design of a new website for local Miami business for the promotion of products and services requires a set of strategies designed for the site to be a seller and successful and achieve the mission that an entrepreneur or an SME has in the network. This is why to catch and awaken the interest of the user from the beginning, it is vital for a business in the network, after all the exit door is only within reach of a mouse click, here are few tips that will undoubtedly help to achieve it.

Your page has to load fast

You only have a few precious seconds to arouse their interest before they leave. Your visitors and probably you would not wait for 30, 40, or 50 seconds until the site loads, on the Internet time weighs a lot, when we surf the web you lose patience quickly, so it is best to make sure your pages are graphically light,so it does not turn your website into a “heavy” site.

Determine to rank based on your interest

Your visitor before buying goes first of all in search of information, the “What’s Here for Me”, give them just that information, give them content that cannot get in your competition, make sure your website content is not the same as others have, you must approach it from a novel point of view, that makes it fresh and original. This way they will feel that your site has what they are looking for and that only you can offer.

Put in view what you offer

Teach them clearly and from the outset the products or services you sell, if your prospects are not sure that your website is going, they will get confused,and they will go away,and it is very unlikely that you will recover them.

Catch it with a powerful title

If you put a title that draws your attention, you will attract their interest to see what you have for them and will stay longer which increases the possibility that you can sell your products or services.

Give to receive

Do you want your visitors to subscribe to your Newsletter?Then offer them free and relevant content, is the best way to earn their trust, trust is a very important step before they decide to buy your products or services. After the subscription you can also send information periodically, be it courses, seminars and even free software that supports and serves as a tool to complement the relevant information of interest.

Simple but elegant design

A simple website does not have to be unattractive, contrary to what many people think, the websites that have the most business opportunities and that currently sell the most on the web are precisely those that are simple but elegant. Very important without grammatical errors, a place with spelling errors denotes little professionalism and generates rejection and distrust in the users. It should not have garish background colors; it should be pleasing to the eye and its texts with a suitable size and easy to read for everyone.

Put a map to your site

If your website is very large, it is best to have a site map to help you get what you are looking that grasps your interest.

Basic Information

Always, you must include the name, address, and phone numbers on our website. It is amazing the number of businesses that circulate through the network that give the impression of being orphans, they lack basic information of the person in charge, which generates without doubt distrust and little credibility for the user, there is also a contact e-mail if possible, in every one of the pages that make up the site.


If you have to answer the same questions over and over again, it is best to make a page with the answers to these frequently asked questions; your visitors have to consult them to clear their doubts related to your products or services quickly.

Offer them a Glossary of Terms

An excellent way for your prospects to come back again and again to your business is to put at your disposal, a glossary of terms with the information they need, they will return again and again to consult your doubts,and you will have more possibilities to offer your products or services.
The website must be designed to catch and awaken the user’s interest from the start, and in this way, the prospect spends as much time as possible on the website, so that you can see your products or services, and before that he thinks that what he is looking for is elsewhere and leaves.  When you are ready for that new website
contact the experts at Smash Interactive Agency and get started today!

If you have tight budget then here is the tip for How to Get a Fabulous Website Design and Development on a Tight Budget?

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