What Are The Top 3 SEO Trends of 2020?

When it comes to online content, the one thing that everyone has heard of and cared about is SEO. And with changing time, you need to change the content of your website so that it stays fresh. Keeping that in mind, here are some trends in search engine optimization for 2020 which you need to talk about with your SEO agency in Miami.

User-focused and BERT optimization

2019 saw the launch of Google’s new algorithm called BERT. One of the focuses of the new algorithm is to match results based on intent rather than pure string matching. So, the SEO should focus on what the user wants to search for rather than focus on strings of words the user may use. To get the perfect search engine optimization, the company must have a holistic marketing strategy in place where they try to find how the customer is searching for the products that they are selling and how they are reaching their brand. Based on that, they can plan their search engine optimization. This is the biggest trend of 2020; SEO is not just something you sprinkle on your digital content to attract the customer, it must be part of your overall business and marketing plan.

High-Quality Content

Naturally, the next trend in 2020 is high-quality content. Gone are the days when you could stuff your page with relevant SEO keywords and get a good ranking; as explained above, a string of keywords is no more relevant in the new algorithm of Google, rather content is. The editorial discretion of Google is becoming better day by day, so focus more on the topic of your page rather than the keywords you are using in them. Hence, you must hire people who can write good original content for your website, and that too for all the pages, including internally linked pages. Also, make sure that the various contents on your website are not the same topic spoken in various angles; such cannibalized content will cancel each other and lower your ranking. Go through your present content with a tooth and comb and see if it was written for the user or your own SEO needs. If it is the first, then congratulation you are already following the top trend of 2020, if not, change now.

Technical and UX SEO

User experience or UX is the biggest thing Miami SEO experts from the team should be focusing on. This means that just enriching your page is not enough; you must see it through the user’s eye. From how they are searching, to your landing page, to their experience after they leave your page must be seen in totality before you design your SEO. And a big part of it will be the technical aspect of your page like how fast it is loading (Google’s chrome has the new “slow warning badges”). JS frameworks are going to help in that as well as PWAs.

So, these are just three of the many trends in Search Engine Optimization that will be dominating 2020. If your website needs to be changed based on any of these, make sure you contact your SEO agency in Miami today.

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