Geo-Targeting: A Geo-Marketing Strategy for the New Age

Geo-marketing is one of the hottest buzzwords in the marketing industry these days.
Everything is now connected to location.
Businesses are slowly figuring out that it is a colossal waste of time, money, and resources to market to consumers that might remain out of their reach.
Location-based technology is providing new marketing techniques to business owners and marketers alike.

So Why is Geo-Marketing a Big Deal?

Using geo-marketing, businesses can conveniently and effectively make decisions about which customers to target, and when is the best time to target them.
They can make use of location data from a specific location to create an all-encompassing digital map. The map can break down consumers’ data by city, suburban communities, and even neighborhoods.
Using tools such as Google Analytics a business owner can map out very specific details of prospective customers and utilize them when the need arises.

What Goes Into Geo-Marketing?

Consumer data is collected via their social media or smartphones. Most businesses now use Geographic Information Software (GIS) to obtain data in real-time.

What is Geo-Targeting?

Geo-targeting is a highly specific form of geo-marketingused to create and deliver content to consumers based on their geographic location.
In geo-targeted marketing a consumer’s online IP address is used to determine their geographical location. Here is where geo-location services come in handy. Using tools such as GPS signals or geo-fencing, a business owner can figure out the exact location of their customers and calculate demands per location.
Then, when a business needs to create online advertisements using Facebook ads or YouTube Video ads, they can select a specific location and run relevant advertisements for that location. This allows marketers to schedule sales for particular consumers in a particular locality.
Geo-targeted marketing can greatly improve returns on investments (ROI) for businesses. By figuring out the needs of their consumers in real-time, they can launch effective advertising campaigns at the right time.
For instance, if a restaurant business wishes to drive sales, they can make use of geo-marketing. Using data from search engines and Google Analytics, they can figure out the top searches and demands in their vicinity. Once they have that information, they can create mobile ads for customers in that locality offering the very specific items customers were searching for. Or they can time their social media posts to coincide with customers’ searches.

Geo-Targeting on Facebook

Geo-marketing using Facebook’s geo-targeting tools is now becoming increasingly popular. It is a simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-follow process that drives great results. A marketer simply needs to create an Ad Set and curate their Audience based on locations.
They can select as small a radius as they desire (the range is usually between 1 and 50 miles) after entering an audience and selecting the number of their target audience, and launch their advertisement.

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