What it takes to create and launch your first website

In today’s world whatever business you are running, you need a website for having a global audience and establishing credibility. You will have to think it through and get all your bearings right before you can launch your website. 

So, are you planning to launch your website in Miami? This blog will give a brief overview of how to get started.

1. Host – In simple terms, a host is a computer or server which will hold and display your web pages when someone visits your website. But the process of hosting is quite a complex process that involves a lot of moving parts. The best way here is to look for a managed web hosting service provider. You can go for a dedicated server (a computer dedicated to you) or a shared server(a computer hosting website for many people). Hosting on a shared server is quite inexpensive and great for your first website. Most host service providers will give you a free domain when you purchase a hosting service from them. Do look for that option when selecting a hosting service provider. They also allow one-click installation of CMS like WordPress, Joomla, etc. to easily manage and update your website contents.

2. Domain – The next in line is your domain name. The domain name is your website’s address. This is what your customers will type and search engines will show. Choose a domain name that matches closely with your business name, is catchy and easy to remember, and reflects what your website is all about. Always have at least three or four additional names ready as a backup because the domain name that you are thinking of registering may have been already taken. If you purchase your domain from your host service provider, then your domain is automatically configured with your host else you will need to do it manually. Typically both the domain name registrar and the host will provide an easy guide on how to do this.

3. Design your site – Next, you will need to design your site. Design defines how your website will look and feel and how the user will interact with it. A Web Designer is a person who will be able to guide you. Most of them have ready-made templates available for outright purchase to get you started. Ofcourse, if you want more personalization, you can hire them to create a unique design for you.

4. Development – Once you have the design ready, you will need to now develop the site. Development means converting the design (typically created in Photoshop or Sketch) to actual HTML pages and inserting your required contents which the user can click and interact with. Most of the time, the designer will provide the web development service as well. Pages are created either by creating some static HTML pages or using a CMS.

The steps outlined above are the fundamentals of how to get started. Remember that you won’t be able to create a perfect website right away. It is an iterative process to create a fantastic

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