3 Emerging Trends of Web Development in 2020

2019 is almost over and as the new year approaches, we all want to look forward to it. In terms of web development, there are so many things that are expected to gain momentum in the coming year, that you need to talk to your web developer in Miami today so that you stay up to date. To help you out, here are three of them.

Searching using voice command

With more and more people using smartphones to do their online searches, one of the emerging trends in voice search. It is expected that nearly 50% of the people searching online will do it by speaking to their smart devices. This includes not only smartphones but also home devices like Alexa from Amazon, Echo and Google Assistant from Google and Siri from Apple. So, what does that have to do with your website development Miami plan? Well for this voice feature to work for you, you will need to have a voice recognition API support for your website. Already, the two most used browsers Google Chrome and Firefox support this feature. With this feature on your website, users don’t have to type their searches; they can dictate it orally.

Motion UI to capture the attention span

In today’s fast-paced age, where we are bombarded with information from all sides, catching the attention of the consumer is what all businesses are looking for. It is often said that today’s generation has even less attention span than of a goldfish which on average is 9 seconds! Hence to counter that, talk with your website development services Miami about Motion UI. What this does is, it changes your website as the user scrolls down to capture their attention. This is a very emerging trend and whether it will be a success or not is still debatable, but it is highly recommended that you at least talk about it with the provider to see if it will be a good fit for you or not.

Customer support using Chatbots

Another emerging trend of 2020 is the use of chatbots for customer service. Already leading websites like Microsoft support, Amazon support and others are using it. What chatbots do is glean information about common issues regarding the product/service of the company and try to present the solutions to the users. Since they are automatic, you don’t need to employ someone to monitor them. Only when they have exhausted their set of solution options, they will give the option of either going for live chat with an agent or call customer care. It is estimated that by the end of 2020, 85 out of 100 people seeking customer care will go through a chatbot than an actual person. And consumers are also happy with it as more and more people prefer to go for live chat with chatbots than calling in customer care. So, if your company provides customer care support, then it is high time you ask your website development Miami provider to include this AI integration on your website as soon as possible.

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