Fundamental rules to improve the SEO ranking of your articles

While you are going to create a website or blog, you must carry out a keyword strategy to direct your ranking strategy in Miami. When you create an article, you must take into account your Keyword strategy. For this,you must be clear about your objective and what you want to convey. The first and most important point is the Keyword strategy.Google also values the quality of an article and takes it into account for online ranking. It enables you to bring your title at the top using SEO ranking locally in Miami.

Choose a good title, and structure the content in subtitles

Another of the most important aspects when it comes to writing is the structure that your content will have and how you will incorporate your Keyword.At this point will depend a lot on the length of the post you write, the theme and your style but there are few mandatory standards that you must take into account.
Your article must contain:1 Main title, or H1and this should contain the chosen Key Word.You must have between 1 and 5 secondary subtitles or H2. The advisable thing is that at least the Keyword appears in 1 of them and the sooner,the better.More subtitles like H3, H4, etc.This is no longer mandatory; you have to keep in mind that if you are going to have a title within a subtitle, it should be of a lower rank because it is inside the H2, this makes the content have a logical structure facing Google.

Pay special attention to the introduction and conclusion

The introduction is obvious, it is the first thing the user will read,and it is vital to capture their attention and keep reading. Try to write clearly for whoever is going to read and try to share with questions and make clear that the post will go from line number 1.The introduction is also one of the first things that Google will read when it passes through our site so put the keyword previously chosen as soon as possible and always in the first paragraph.
The conclusion or closing is an easy thing as if someone has reached the end it is because you have done your job well and therefore it is time to ask something in return to your reader, to subscribe to your newsletter, to follow you on social networks, comment or buy your product. You can get more details by contacting Smash Interactive Agency in Miami.

Monitor the density of the Keyword

When you write, sometimes you forget to incorporate the keyword while you write, this is something fundamental since a good optimization of the density of keywords can be a fundamental factor to rise to the top of the positions of Google. It is advisable that the density is between 1 and 2.5%.

Incorporate images

Images, images,and more images, put images in your articles, they will make reading more enjoyable,and you can also use them to improve your Keyword density without being seen in the text. The truth is that it has little secrecy but if it is true that many people do not take it into account and forget to give a good title to the images and many give them an alternative title.

Link the content through links

This is also simple; if you talk about improving SEO ranking you can also talk about the importance of inbound marketing when defining a strategy for your blog and get leads, you can put a link to a page of your website that provides more information on this topic.It is also advisable to put an external link of authority that talks about the subject of your blog. In this way, we help Google to understand the subject of our article better.

Categorize the article appropriately

Finally, if you use categories or labels when cataloging your articles, study, organize and plan what they are going to be, do not start creating categories and labels for each new article that you write as you will begin to duplicate content without realizing it and that, will result in bad impression in Google ranking.

Learn from the experts

Placeholder content about why we write these blog articles to help you leading into the following categories offered below.

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