How can you change your website domain without losing your SEO performance?

Have you ever thought about changing your domain name but are worried about your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) performance? So don’t worry, you are not alone in changing your website domain, which can have an impact on your SEO performance if not done correctly. You have to consider lots of things. However, there are some steps you can take to minimize the impact and maintain your SEO performance.

Let’s read them out carefully:

Choose an impressive domain name

The first and most important thing is to choose a good domain name. You have to choose a domain with an appropriate top-level domain (TLD). Making your new domain easy to say, spell, and type is another smart move. With this approach, you can keep errors from driving visitors away. Also, it will encourage people to say your domain name out loud. Also, you should make sure that your new domain allows for flexibility. This will make sure that it may expand along with your web business and prevent the necessity for a subsequent name change. When you’re finished researching, you can purchase a domain name.

Update your internal links

It is very crucial to update all internal links on your website. This includes links in your navigation menus, footer, and within your content.

Update your external links

Reach out to other websites that link to your website and ask them to update their links to point to your new domain. This will help ensure that visitors who click on external links to your website are directed to the correct URL.

Set up 301 redirects

301 redirects should be set up from your old domain to your new domain. This will tell search engines that your website has moved permanently and redirect visitors to the new domain. This can help preserve the SEO value of your old pages by transferring them to the new URL.

Update your sitemap

Update your sitemap to reflect the new URLs of your pages. This will help search engines crawl and index your new pages correctly.

Monitor your performance

Monitor your website’s performance after the domain change to ensure that there are no significant drops in traffic or rankings. This will assist you in finding any problems and making any necessary improvements.


These tips will help you to save your website ranking when you change your website domain. If you are looking for the same, you need to hire a professional team. You need to research well for this. Rather, if you are looking for services related to SEO in Miami, you can connect with us; our SEO Experts in Miami will offer you the best services. Don’t forget that changing your domain can have an impact on your SEO performance, but you need to take steps to minimize the impact and maintain your search engine rankings.

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