How to take your site in Google’s first five searches?

Every business owner wishes to appear on Google’s first page. However, the wish remains want to if the owner runs a small-scale business because he lacks the money to pay for content & tools. 

However, one of the most potent tools in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps the websites reach the search engine’s first page by driving organic or non-paid traffic. 

First, let’s understand why Google’s first page is significant? 

The appearances of Google’s first-page enjoy the following:

a. Traffic

The websites appearing on Google’s first page enjoy around 70% of all traffic, too organic. So, you see how effectively it increases the number of visitors to the site.

b. Click rate

The Click-through rate (CTR) is approx. 7% to 35& for the first five organic searches or the first page, and it keeps falling as you move ahead in the pages.
For example, first page CTR is 34%
The second page offers CTR equals 12.7%
The third page gives CTR equals 9.3%

Thus, Google’s first page gives significant CTRs, hence profit.

How to take your site in Google’s first five searches?

There are plenty of ways out there, so let’s see each of them in detail.


Keywords are the essential part of driving organic traffic or SEO as they are those phrases or words people are searching for.
Therefore, Miami experts say that it is necessary to include those keywords effectively. Also, the keywords keep changing, so you must research and update them regularly, or else those keywords will not have meaning.

2-Make a mobile-optimized site

Smartphones are being used very frequently for research & stuff because they come in handy. Therefore, like humans, google also chooses those sites with a mobile version. Thus, mobile-friendly sites are a must to achieve higher rankings for your site.

3-Focus on humans

Rather than writing for search engines, it’s better to write for humans. This is so because, no matter how much you use the highest-paid tools, he will not come back if your content isn’t satisfying the humans.
Therefore, it is necessary to provide the readers a relevant & well-researched content.

4-Improve UX

Along with the great content, you must offer a great user experience.
For example, navigations CTAs, so the user can easily find what he is looking for. Plus, once the user starts enjoying, it will spend more time on your site, indicating that it deserves higher rankings.

5-Add locations

Imagine you’re a crab-selling restaurant in Miami, and you forgot to mention your addresses. So, instead of showing you in the search results, Google will put you in the recommendations.
Therefore, it is necessary to put the location or address. Also, if you’re operating the company from a different city, it mentions that.


Every online business person or entrepreneur’s dream is to see their site on the search engine’s first page because it generates more potential leads and offers incredible CTRs plus other benefits.
The paid resources will do the job but for only a short period. So, if you want to rank first for a longer time, you must follow the techniques mentioned earlier.

Learn from the experts

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