It’s Time for a New Website for Your Business

A giant corporation or a startup in this digital age can not survive without an updated website.
If a business wants to live to tell the tale, then they must invest their time and money on designing an up-to-the-minute and rationalized website. It is no longer a choice but a powerful marketing tool to stay relevant in the digital world.

Here’s why we think it’s time for every business to create a new website:

1. Unsecured Websites Are So 2018
Up until last year,it was pretty awesome to have a secure website. Today, it’s no longer a choice but an absolute requirement.
Your new fangled website now needs to be secured and switched to HTTP. As soon as you take the leap, you will immediately see an increase in the search rankings. Pretty soon there will come a time when unsecured websites will receive zero attention. Before that time comes, how about a new website design?

2. Slow and Steady Will Not Win the Race
Website page speeds has an unswerving impact on conversion and traffic. The sad reality is that regardless of how great a website is, lack of speed can damage all that.
Slow websites result in poor user experience and that’s the last thing a company would want. In 2019, most competitors should be doing everything in their power to make a good impression in less than three seconds with good speed.
Slow websites won’t stand a chance.

3. Over The Top Designs Never Achieved Anything
If your company’s website looks like a place where several people spilled their paint buckets, you might need to redesign. It was in 2017, when the marketers noticed that clean and minimalist websites received more traffic and higher conversion.
In 2018 some adopted, some didn’t. In 2019, when speed remains priority, clean, eye-catching design will go hand in hand to increase the efficiency of the website.

4.    It’s an Era of Mobile-First
Website development in 2021 will be focused on making it extremely mobile friendly.
Your company might need a new website if it doesn’t have the following mobile-first features:

1- Adaptive to all kinds of devices including desktop, mobile and tablet
2- Free of pop-ups
3- Short-form content focused on engaging visitors with few words
4- Short-meta titles and content with high readability

5. The Days of Keyword Stuffing Is Long Gone

Websites with extreme keyword stuffing are going to see themselves at the bottom of the search rank–perhaps not even there.
In fact, even quality content and trusted links alone are not enough to improve one’s ranking. It would just be the beginning of creating an optimized website.
It’s all about searcher intent now. Ranking is now based on context, and advanced level keywords research.

The bottom line is that updated websites are now crucial for the survival of every business. If the stats and estimations have anything to say about it,then this year a website over haul would be more valuable than ever before. If you have yet to develop a website for your business, or still relying on an old one,reach out to Smash Interactive Agency and race ahead of your competitors.

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