PPC Advertising: Your Complete Guide to Google AdWords

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, as the name suggests, is a marketing strategy where a business pays for every click their advertisement receives.

It is increasingly gaining popularity with marketers as it allows businesses to advertise on the first page of search engines and attract a large volume of potential customers.

Why Should You Choose PPC Advertising?

Highly Specific:

PPC offers you a lot of targeting options, allowing you to choose your audience effectively. Your ad can be displayed to the right buyer at the right time with the right keywords.


As you pay for every click you receive, you can evaluate where your money is going and manage your budget better. With PPC, the cost-per-click (CPC) is also lower if you use targeted single keyword ad groups (SKAGs).

High Conversion Rate:

Studies have shown that PPC advertising techniques such as Google Ads have a conversion rate of between 2.7 to 5 percent. This is relatively higher than conversion rates for other forms of advertising such as display ads.

Google AdWords

Google Ads or Google AdWords campaigns are by far the most effective method of PPC advertising. With Google Ads, a business can appear at the top of search results in, usually above organic search results.  The AdWords campaign does this by using a variety of strategies such as geo-targeting, keywords, audience demographics, and consumer behavior.

In order to take full advantage of Google Ads, you need to master the AdWords platform.

Auctioning for Google AdWords

You will take part in a bidding process with hundreds of other buyers. Here, you submit your bid in dollars and the price you can pay for each click your ad receives. If you win the bid for an audience and position, Google will automatically display your ad when a person uses your keywords in a search.

However, winning a bid doesn’t just depend on money. Google also factors in your ad quality, relevance and landing page to determine if you deserve that top spot. Make sure the information you provide is useful and helps conversions for your business, too. This becomes more important as you start getting more clicks— more clicks mean you’ll have to pay more in the long run.

How to Set Up Your Google AdWords Account

Call us at Smash Interactive Agency and get started today.

Then, Google will request you to fill out the information for your campaign, including your email address and website URL.

You will then be asked to select your campaign type from these options:

  • Search
  • Display
  • Shopping
  • Video
  • Universal App

Keep the basics in mind:

  • Select your target audience carefully. You can use Google’s targeting options for this.
  • Using the right keywords. Make use of Google’s Keyword Planner for this.
  • Writing a short and concise call to action (CTA) for your customers.
  • Writing a killer bio and introduction about your business.
  • Using relevant images for your ads.

For more information on how to refine your local Miami PPC advertising campaign, visit Google’s support resources.

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