SEO Vs PPC? Points To Consider While Deciding

When it comes to digital marketing, two types rule the market; SEO and PPC. So, if you are new in the market and not sure which of these is best for promoting your business online, here are some points to help you. That way you will be better prepared when you go for PPC agency Miami or SEO Company.

Firstly, let’s know the terms; SEO means Search Engine Optimization. What does that mean? It means that you put in certain words or phrases on your website or webpage that helps them to come in high ranking when that particular phrase or word is searched for. As for the other, PPC stands for Pay Per Click which means that you put in ads and every time someone clicks it, they are directed to your website or webpage.

The first major difference between the two is that SEO is not paid for while PPC is a paid service. It means that if a particular phrase is being searched for, and your website is SEO optimized, it will be shown in the search result. On the other hand, PPC ads will pop up any time certain keywords or phrases are being searched for.

Secondly, when you have a good result with SEO, your website or webpage will automatically bring in good traffic. You don’t have to pay continuously for that once you make your website SEO enriched. But with PPC, you have to pay your PPC services Miami provider regularly for your ads to keep coming up in search results. So, one is a one-time investment, whereas you need monthly to even daily budget for your PPC campaign.

Thirdly, though it is cheap, SEO takes a long time to give you a good result. There are millions of websites or web pages and the results are worthy only when you come within the first few pages of the search results. It may take up to 1 year or so for your desired result to show with an SEO campaign. But when you pay your PPC agency in Miami, your ads come up instantly. There is no wait time and your ads will show as long as you are paying for it. Hence with the PPC campaign, the results are faster.

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