Things You Should Know About Mobile First Indexing

The endeavor of Google to make the World Wide Web more mobile-friendly reflects in
the latest development of Mobile-First Indexing. As more and more people find it convenient to
surf from their handheld devices, the web represents our behavior and Google makes a way for
it. The Mobile-First indexing is one initiative for this.

What is Mobile-First Indexing?

Just like the name represents, mobile-first indexing is a new process where Google starts its
indexing process from the mobile version of the website. This is the first step for it to decide the
ranking as well. For that reason, you can experience a sudden increase in the crawl bot traffic
that comes from the Smartphone Googlebot. Surprisingly, you may also find the cached version
of the website is usually the mobile version.
However, it is not the mobile-only indexing but mobile-first indexing and for that, if the website
does not have a mobile version, it will index the web version only. As a result, it will affect the
ranking of the website negatively. On the other hand, the websites with a better mobile
experience for the users can experience a boost in search engine ranking, as per the view of
Miami SEO Expert.

Things you should know about Mobile-First Indexing and its effects on SEO:

1- Relax: It is true that Google now prefers the mobile version of the websites and you don’t
need to do panic for it. When it will index the site, you will be notified via the Search
Console. The ranking of your site will be determined by the available content on both the
versions of your website. However, for the WordPress websites, it will have minimum
consequences as it is supported by responsive design. For that reason, you don’t need to
do any worry about the ranking as it may not affect your site.

2- Test For Mobile-Friendly: If you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, then Google will
index your web version only and eventually it may affect the ranking. So, you have to
find out first whether your site is mobile-friendly or not. You can use various online tools
to test the Google Mobile friendliness of the website.

3- UX: As the screen of the smartphone is smaller than the desktop, the design should be
different and apt to justify the user experience. You must consider the fact that when a
mobile user browses through the website, he or she must have a great experience. From
the font to the layout, you have to think from a user’s end.

4- Content: If you consult the Miami SEO Expert, then you may know that your content
should be smart and mobile-friendly that will engage more and more audiences. You
need to write short and simple sentences instead of long paragraphs. Along with that,
make sure that there is enough white space on the screen.

5- Mobile Snippets: If most of the traffic comes from mobile search, then you have to
optimize the mobile snippets as well. Check the preview from your mobile and do the
best to attract more visitors.

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