Why web security is important for website design?

Website security is becoming increasingly important as more sophisticated cyber-attacks emerge, as website owners want to protect their websites and users from deadly cyber threats. As we all know, cybercrime is a large business, and hackers are constantly looking for flaws in your website. Cyber-attacks are mostly caused by malware that can steal data or traffic, crash or slow your website, make your website disappear from search engine results, steal sensitive customer data, such as phone numbers or credit/debit card information, and many other things. In this post, we are going to discuss how important web security is for website design.

Let’s read it out:

Business reputation loss and drop in revenue

We all know that people search online for any service and believe the search engines if they visit your website to get information.

Now we can say that search engine optimization plays a significant role in attracting potential customers. Google or any other search engine warns or restricts your customers when they visit your website

That is why in 2018, websites without SSL were marked as insecure and got the SEO penalty, which makes it hard for companies to connect with new customers. Because without SSL, there is a high chance of the website getting hacked, which means the business loses customer trust, which may cause a reputational loss.

When talking about website security and CMS security, infections are also rising. WordPress, for example, remains the most contaminated website CMS.

Hacks Keep Going Up

Cyber-attacks are the main reason for web security. As per the research, every day 30,000 to 50,000 websites get hacked. Cybercrime is continuously growing and going out of control.

Bot traffic could account for up to 42.3% of all internet traffic in 2021 (and there are many more harmful bots than “good” bots).

Now you can see how having a secure website can help you cement your reputation as a trustworthy company when a competitor’s website is hacked.

Setting yourself apart from the competition and prioritizing web security may result in improved sales.

Website gets blacklisted

Google separates at least 10,000 questionable websites every day. The sites can be identified by the display of “This site may harm your computer” in the search results.

It works as a warning for the users, and they avoid visiting the website. When a website is added to the blacklist, it is removed from the search engine’s index and loses more than 95% of its organic traffic, which can have a substantial impact on revenue.

“Blacklisted” means it contains something harmful to the user, like malware.

Cleaning up your website is merely the first step toward getting it relisted on Google. Make sure you have measures in place to prevent a recurrence before launching your site. If you do not improve your protection, you may be vulnerable to the same crooks that infiltrated your site the first time.


Follow the industry norms to secure your website if you want to be part of the market and run your business in a better manner. If you are looking for a team of web designers in Boca Raton for a secure website, you can choose us. Also, after completing the website design, you need to hire an SEO team to rank your website on search engines, so you can choose our team of SEO in Boca Raton.

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